we are pleased to announce that once again Chabad will have a show room at the furniture market providing the Jewish visitors with all the Jewish needs.
Main Building. Suite m708
When using the Main elevators make a right out of the elevators, we are down the hall.
The showroom will be open
Sunday-Tueday 7:30 am-8:00 pm
Cold drinks, coffee, snack and hot soup will be available through the day.
Minyan: Sunday- Tuesday
Shacharit: 7:30 am
Mincha/Maariv: 6:30 pm
Bagel Breakfast: 7:00-9:00
Deli Lunch: 11:00-4:00
Hot Dinner: 7:00-7:30
We are pleased to offer sleeping accommodations at the Chabad Jewish center for shabbos, together with all 3 shabbos meals and Tefilot.
To RSVP please contact Rabbi Plotkin.
Cell: 336.423.8428 Email: [email protected]
We are calling o all volunteers to come help us show some southern hospitality to the hundred of Jewish visitors who will be attending the furniture market.
To volunteer please contact Hindy Plotkin
Cell: 336.423.3049 Email: [email protected]
Looking forward on greeting you at the furniture market.
Rabbi Plotkin
Chabad Jewish Center